Whatever your needs, let us be your traveling companion so you can make the most of your time at work or in between appointments. Whether you're planning a daytime meeting or an evening gala, we have the perfect venue for you in the heart of Miami. Great coffee, in our opinion, has the power to alter the course of history. Farmers and their households are very susceptible in the coffee industry due to the industry's high degree of volatility. Sustainable practices permeate every aspect of our business, from the way we acquire and supply coffee, to the items and packaging we use, to our near-zero-waste cafes and our dedication to our employees and neighborhoods.
You can expect nothing less from us since we strive to treat our customers with respect and courtesy at all times. We place a premium on upholding the highest quality. It is our mission to improve the lives of our team members and their neighborhoods, as well as the environment, via all we do—from direct-sourcing the best honest and moral coffee for you. It's a never-ending road toward sustainable development. For the simple reason that we're continuously looking for methods to strengthen and strengthen our dedication to a more brighter development.
The best coffee originates from the farm where it was grown. At the heart of our conservation initiative is a dedication to help improve the lives of the people who grow and process coffee at source. In order to guarantee that we're procuring responsibly and ethically at the source, we maintain long-term, direct ties with our suppliers. Protecting property and ensuring the well-being of workers are priorities for our suppliers. Even in bad markets, we consistently give more than domestic production and labor expenses because of our lifetime engagement to each other and to the beans and the ground on which they thrive. That's only achievable because of your help.
We are delighted to be a living wage company that strives to establish a dynamic and accessible workplace for our whole staff. It is our goal for The Local Coffee to be a workplace where everybody can express their most true self in business and have the opportunity and tools to accomplish outstanding work that they really enjoy. In order to keep our staff, we provide education and technical growth to keep them motivated and engaged. As part of our commitment to protecting the environment, we work with other businesses and providers who share the same goals.